There are a number of friends and peers who have left Italy in recent years. Of many, I have lost track. Of others, I can keep track and discover their new fascinating lives in distant places. Among them is Sofia Zanchini. I knew she had left London for Hong Kong, almost like me Rome for Pesaro, but I sensed that she had settled in a different way in the Far East, finding her own new path. With Paola Bianchi, another Italian on the move, she conceived and is carrying on "The Tangerine Road" small fashion brand, which brings together different cultures and traditions through colours and designs on fabrics. To launch a new concept of slow fashion that wants to limit the pollution produced by the fashion industry, Sofia and Paola make use of pop-up stores and presentation events. Sofia and Paola tell us about an adventure that is a beautiful friendship and an example of strong determination. Their story begins separately and joins on the road of the Mandarins.
"I graduated in literature and philosophy in Rome, where I was born and raised with my family. I worked for several years in communication and organization of cultural events and initiatives. I did not know how much this exciting experience would be useful for my future projects. " "I didn’t even think that I would have travelled the world so widely. About ten years ago, after moving to London due to my husband’s work, I juggled between part-time jobs and the commitment towards my two children. With the arrival of our third child, at the end of October 2015, we started our adventure in Hong Kong. I was not afraid of this move. This new world fascinated me. In fact, the mix of Chinese roots and colonial influences present in this city immediately struck me. Behind the commercial image of the many glass and steel skyscrapers, I discovered a complex and fascinating place. 70% of the territory consists of mountains and natural parks. Looking at the island from the Tsim Sha Tsui harbour, the skyline is the most unique in the world, with tall skyscrapers that climb up through the dense jungle. Not surprisingly, the city is also called " Vertical Jungle ".